Easy Rose Cupcake Bouquet in a Pot

Cupcake Flower Bouquet

It’s super easy to make and you really don’t need to be a professional baker! The only disadvantage is that it won’t last as long as a real flower bouquet : )).

For the cupcakes, I made carrot cake cupcakes and cream cheese frosting as this is what our friends liked the most. Check here the full tutorial.

Rose Cupcake Bouquets


Materials & Tools:

About 24 mini cupcakes – you need ¼ of the batter indicated in my carrot cake recipe here
Frosting, at room temperature – you can make the frosting as indicated in the previous recipe but don’t add the pecans if you want a smoother texture
1 piping bag fitted with 1M Wilton tip
1 styrofoam ball – 6’’ in diameters
1 flower pot – your styrofoan ball should fit into the flower pot as seen below

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Sylvia Collins

Sylvia Collins

Hello! I'm Sylvia Collins, a fervent cake lover, recipe creator, and the heart behind my beloved cake recipes blog. For over a decade, I've been on a sweet journey, dedicating my life to the art of cake baking and sharing my passion through my writings. My adventure began with a simple love for cakes and an insatiable desire to express my creativity through baking.