Stranger Things Party- Ideas to set up your party

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Strager Things is a true television success, its series breaks records and it has become a reference series for many teenagers and adults.

Due to its success this is also a trending birthday party theme.

Today we show you some ideas to put together a Stranger Things party if you dream.

Stranger Things party ideas

Stranger Things is a television series that mixes elements of horror, suspense and teen drama.

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The story focuses on the disappearance of student Will Byers. The setting and the characters are perfect to use as inspiration when setting up your party.

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The most used colors in the decoration of a party with this theme are red and black.

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Sylvia Collins

Sylvia Collins

Hello! I'm Sylvia Collins, a fervent cake lover, recipe creator, and the heart behind my beloved cake recipes blog. For over a decade, I've been on a sweet journey, dedicating my life to the art of cake baking and sharing my passion through my writings. My adventure began with a simple love for cakes and an insatiable desire to express my creativity through baking.