How to make LMF Fondant (marshmallow fondant)

marshmallow fondant

This fondant works like the expensive stuff (tastes amazing) but only costs a fraction of the price and you can use it immediately.

You can roll it out very thin with no tearing or elephant skin. Colors easily and you can put it in the fridge, airbrush on it and use it for modeling. Takes about 15 minutes to make!

  1. Ingredients
  2. Instructions


2 lbs powdered sugar sifted (also called icing sugar, confectionary sugar)
1 lb marshmallows WinCo, Hy-Top, Aldi and Campfire brands work best.
1.25 lbs Wilton fondant Satin Ice fondant will also work.
2 tbsp warm water For dark colors, use 1 tbsp water, 1 tbsp food color gel.
1/2 cup vegetable shortening Also called white vegetable fat, trex, copha.
Servings: 4,2 pounds



Sift powdered sugar and set aside.
Place your shortening in the stand mixer bowl.
Melt marshmallows for 40 seconds in microwave (or on stove top) and stir with spoon.
Melt marshmallows again for 30 seconds in microwave (or on stove top) and stir with spoon.
Melt marshmallows for the last time for 30 seconds in microwave (or on stove top).
Add water to bowl of marshmallows to detach them from the edges of the bowl and pour marshmallows into stand mixer bowl with dough hook attachment.
Begin mixing. Add in half of your powdered sugar and let mix for 2 minutes.
Take the soft mixture out of the bowl and put it into the bowl with the rest of the powdered sugar.
Warm the Wilton fondant in the microwave for 40 seconds and add to bowl with powered sugar and marshmallow mix.
Knead until powdered sugar, marshmallows, and Wilton fondant is mostly incorporated. You may not use all of the powdered sugar depending on your climate and that is ok.
Pull fondant like taffy until it is stretchy and smooth.
Store in a zip-lock bag for months at room temperature. Re-heat and knead well until stretchy before each use. You can add color as desired but for dark colors, you should add them during the mixing process or you could get a sticky mess.

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Sylvia Collins

Sylvia Collins

Hello! I'm Sylvia Collins, a fervent cake lover, recipe creator, and the heart behind my beloved cake recipes blog. For over a decade, I've been on a sweet journey, dedicating my life to the art of cake baking and sharing my passion through my writings. My adventure began with a simple love for cakes and an insatiable desire to express my creativity through baking.