20+ Emoji Cakes ideas

emoji cakes ideas

Emojis are those fun “faces” on social networks, they are various and express feelings. Emojis are a very creative and original theme for birthday parties.

There are many ideas for decorating a party with this theme. It's a fun and colorful theme.

Today we show you some ideas and models of decorated cakes from emojis.

  1. How to Decorate a Cake With a Smiley Face
  2. Decorated Emoji Cakes

How to Decorate a Cake With a Smiley Face

Decorated Emoji Cakes

There are lots of emoji cakes, from the simplest to the most elaborate models. You can make a cake inspired by just one emoji, or use several.

See some ideas that we have separated for you. Get inspired.

Images from Pinterest.

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